
Kozloduy Follow-Up Osart Mission Publishes Findings

By David Dalton
27 June 2014

Kozloduy Follow-Up Osart Mission Publishes Findings
Kozloduy nuclear power plant

27 Jun (NucNet): A follow-up mission has found that operators of the twin-unit Kozloduy nuclear power station in Bulgaria have achieved the level of “resolved” or “satisfactory progress” in all of the recommendations and suggestions made by an International Atomic Energy Agency Operational Safety Review Team (Osart) mission in 2012.

The IAEA said areas in which the issues have been resolved include developing written procedures for dose assessment from neutrons and performing neutron dose assessment for relevant staff; reinforcing contamination control practices and improving measures to prevent the spread of contamination; and establishing mobile off-site information centres for press conferences in case of a general emergency.

Issues which have achieved satisfactory progress, but need further work, include finalising severe accident management guidelines for situations that involve open reactor conditions or spent fuel pools; and further improving analyses of the cause of events connected to human performance.

These issues will need a longer time to resolve, and the plant has scheduled actions to address them, the IAEA said.

Follow-up missions are standard components of the Osart programme and are typically conducted within two years of the initial Osart mission. At the request of the Bulgarian government, the IAEA assembled a team of experts to conduct the follow-up mission at Kozloduy from 23-27 June 2014.

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